
EuroPLoP 2006

Conference Organization

Conference Chair: Lise Hvatum

Program Chair: Uwe Zdun

Program Committee: Alan O’Callaghan, Andy Longshaw, Arno Haase, Neil Harrison, Lise Hvatum, Allan Kelly, Michael Kircher, Klaus Marquardt, Till Schümmer, Didi Schütz, Markus Völter, Uwe Zdun

Writers’ Workshop groups in EuroPLoP 2006

Master Track Workshop 

Workshop Leader: Neil Harrison 


  • MT1: Joseph Bergin: Patterns for Agile Development Practice – Part 2 
  • MT2: Markus Voelter: Software Architecture – A pattern language for building sustainable software architectures 
  • MT3: Michael J. Pont, Susan Kurian and Ricardo Bautistar: Meeting real-time constraints using “Sandwich Delays” 
Writers’ Workshop A 

Workshop Leader: Paris Avgeriou 


  • A1: Paris Avgeriou: Patterns for Adaptive Service-Centric Systems 
  • A2: Dominik Grolimund, Peter Mueller: A Pattern Language for Overlay Networks in Peer-to-Peer Systems 
  • A3: Carsten Hentrich, Uwe Zdun: Patterns for Process-Oriented Integration in Service-Oriented Architectures 
  • A4: Till Koellmann, Carsten Hentrich: Synchronization Patterns for Process-Driven and Service-Oriented Architecturesi 
  • A5: Fang Yan Rao, Ru Fang, Zhong Tian: Cache Mediation Pattern 
  • A6: Tim Wellhausen: Business Logic on the Client-Side 
Writers’ Workshop B 

Workshop Leader: Till Schuemmer 


  • B1: Rui Lopes, Luis Carrico: Patterns for Time-based Hypermedia Artifacts 
  • B2: Bettina Biel, Volker Gruhn: Towards Usability-Improving Design Patterns for Mobile Client-Server Computing 
  • B3: Dirk Schnelle, Fernando Lyardet: Voice User Interface Design Patterns 
  • B4: Till Schuemmer and Stephan Lukosch: READ.ME – Talking about computer-mediated communication 
  • B5: Wolfram Schobert and Till Schuemmer: Supporting Pattern Language Visualization with CoPE
  • B6: Leon Welicki, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle, Luis Joyanes Aguilare: Meta-Specification and Cataloging of Software Patterns with Domain Specific Languages and Adaptive Object Models 
Writers’ Workshop C 

Workshop Leader: Klaus Marquardt 


  • C1: Ademar Aguiar, Gabriel David: Patterns for Documenting Frameworks – Part II 
  • C2: Ian Graham: A pattern language for BRMS development 
  • C3: Alexander Fuelleborn, Maritta Heisel: Methods to Create and Use Cross-Domain Analysis Patterns 
  • C4: Allan Kelly: Patterns for Technology Companies 
  • C5: Klaus Marquardt: Patterns for Software Release Versioning
  • C6: Martin Schmettow: User Interaction Design Patterns for Information Retrieval Systems
Writers’ Workshop D 

Workshop Leader: Andreas Rueping 


  • D1: Patrick Morrison, Eduardo B. Fernandez: Securing the Broker Pattern 
  • D2: Sasha Romanosky, Alessandro Acquisti Jason Hong, Lorrie Faith Cranor Batya Friedman: Privacy Patterns for Online Interactions 
  • D3: David J. Pearce, James Noble: Relationship Aspect Patterns 
  • D4: Arno Schmidmeier: Configuration of Aspects 
  • D5: Raf Haesen, Lotte De Rore, Monique Snoeck, Wilfried Lemahieu, Stephan Poelmans: Active-passive hybrid data collection 
  • D6: Andreas Rueping: Web Content Management – Patterns for Interaction and Personalisation 
Writers’ Workshop E 

Workshop Leader: Dietmar Schuetz 


  • E1: Alexandros Karagkasidis: Load Distribution Patterns for Loosely-coupled Multicomputer Systems 
  • E2: Juergen Salecker: Embedded System Update 
  • E3: Dietmar Schuetz: Boot Loader 
  • E4: Povl Kvols, Hedin Meitil: A Pattern Language for Logging 
  • E5: Susan Kurian, Michael J. Pont: Restructuring a pattern language which supports time-triggered co-operative software architectures in resource-constrained embedded systems 
  • E6: Thomas Holzer: Data Selection Patterns in Batch Programming – Or: Why batch programming isn’t that trivial after all 
Writing Group 

Writing Group Leader: Andy Longshaw 


  • WG1: Thomas Mey: Rewrite Patterns for the replacement and maintenance of Software Systems. [Associated with workshop A] 
  • WG2: Uzair Ahmad, Muhammad Ahmad Ghazali: A Pattern Based Persistence Framework for Object Oriented Database Systems [Associated with workshop B]
  • WG3: Michalis Hadjisimou, Aimilia Tzanavari: Migrating to e-Learning in secondary education [Associated with workshop C]
  • WG4: Harri Hakonen, Ville Leppaenen: Object-Oriented Design Pattern: Access Protector [Associated with workshop D]
  • WG6: Klaus Meffert: Defining and Selecting Design Patterns Considering Explicit Semantics and Corresponding Elements [Associated with workshop E]

EuroPLoP 2006 Focus Groups

Focus groups are usually free-format discussion groups which bring together people who are interested in a challenging topic related to patterns. They bring up issues such as using patterns, organising patterns, experiences with patterns, or designing pattern languages in a design fest etc. Interdisciplinary topics are particularly welcome since they help us learn from other domains. These domains range from less obvious areas of computing, such as artificial intelligence, to other areas of science, such as building architecture, mechanical engineering, music, or film making. 

EuroPLoP 2006 will only host short focus groups lasting 2 hours 40 minutes in total. Three focus groups will be held on Thursday (6 July) with another three on Friday (7 July).

You are free to choose which focus group you would like to attend on both days. However, the nature of focus groups makes it difficult to switch between them once they have started. Remember that these events typically require some kind of preparation, so please check with the session description when you decide which session you’d like to attend. 

The following focus groups have been accepted for EuroPLoP 2006:

  • Capturing Architectural Knowledge with Architectural Patterns (provisionally scheduled for Friday)
    Proposed by: Uwe Zdun, Paris Avgeriou and Neil Harrison
    The goal of this focus group is to examine how architectural patterns can serve as significant architectural design decisions and thus provide reusable, shareable architectural knowledge. We expect practitioners, researchers, developers, etc. to share their experiences and insights with taking architectural design decisions by choosing and applying architectural patterns. The participants will demonstrate in practice the architectural design of a non-trivial system according to architectural patterns and will accordingly make their decisions explicit.
  • Communicating Effectively (provisionally scheduled for Friday)

Proposed by: Marina Haase

At the beginning we will spend a short time sharing our experiences in and our knowledge of communication and structuring the input. After that we will focus on practicing and intensifying our communication skills. The exact content of the practices will be dependant on the preferences in the actual group.

Proposed by: Andy Longshaw and Kevlin Henney

Metaphor appears in many aspects of software development from architectural, such as classic XP’s System Metaphor, to metaphors for software development itself, such as building architecture or civil engineering. This focus group seeks to explore the roles of metaphor in software development 

  • Security Patterns – The Next Generation (provisionally scheduled for Friday)
    Proposed by: Markus Schumacher and Sasha Romanosky
    After some years of talking, writing and consolidation, security patterns seem to take off eventually. Several collections of security patterns are available, the first books are going to be published. However, there’s still plenty of security expertise that waits to be made available as a pattern. 
  • Socio-Economic forces in Creating a Major Architecture (provisionally scheduled for Thursday)
    Proposed by: Allan Kelly and Lisa Hvatum
    This focus group proposal is a follow-up of the focus group exploring Conway’s Law at EuroPLoP 2005. While discussing the essential homomorphism causing software architecture to mirror the communication structure of the organization creating it as explained by Conway, the group found a number of other forces that impact creation of software architecture. In this group we will seek to explore in more depth the various forces that software architects should recognize and understand, especially the non-technical forces.
  • Shepherding workshop (provisionally scheduled for Thursday)
    Proposed by: Neil Harrison
    Shepherding gives us the opportunity to see our work as others see it. Let’s use shepherding as a springboard to help us learn to see our works as others see them. This is all about learning to be better at introspection.